1 mal gemerkt
LIL DOLLY 5 Yr old 38 Inches Grey Pony Mare
Gebot auf Auktion
Inserats-ID: 4397045
Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Einstelldatum: 22.03.2025
Inseratsaufrufe: 406
ist Beistellpferd
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⚜️ The GOLD Select ⚜️ Happening now thru MONDAY | MARCH 24TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Titus Equine 217 549 3803 LOCATION: Brownstown, IL BREED: Pony REGISTERED: No COLOR: Grey HEIGHT: 38 in AGE: 5 GENDER: Mare Lil Dolly is a 5 year old grade 38 inch pony mare! If you are looking to have the prettiest riding and driving pony around here she is! Our kids love to drive her around the farm and to grandma and grandpas house every chance they get! She also very broke to ride too. Lil Dolly has spent many days in the arena helping pushing the roping cattle up to the chute and just playing around pushing them in the arena too. She’s been on camping trips to the national parks for trail rides. She stands tied good on the picket lines or tied to the trailer. Lil Dolly is traffic safe and has been around all the farm animals! She’s also safe for the little ones to brush and pet on all day. Our daughter treats her like a big pet dog! We have used her also as a lead line pony to lead the little the kids around. She’s currently being rode by our 4 year old son and 8 year old daughter they both get along with her great! She will ride bareback and with a halter just as good as she does with the bridle and saddle. She gets along with everyone in the pasture too. Dolly is a pony that you can enjoy for a long time! If you want to have prettiest pony around check out Lil Dolly! She’s located in Brownstown Illinois. Call or text Mitch Titus at 217-549-3803.

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