Tinker Wallach 4 Jahre 152 cm Champagne in Texas City
Tinker Wallach 4 Jahre 152 cm Champagne in Texas City
Tinker Wallach 4 Jahre 152 cm Champagne in Texas City
Tinker Wallach 4 Jahre 152 cm Champagne in Texas City

Intelligent gypsy vanner horses for sale

Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Inserats-ID: 4195901
Einstelldatum: 31.08.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 409
Inserat gemerkt: 2
5.500 $
~ 4.989 CHF
Texas City 77590
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Weitere Informationen

Tinker stammen aus Irland, wo sie aus Rassepferden hervorgegangen sind und als Reit- oder Zugpferde gebraucht wurden. Aufgrund ihrer Scheckung galten sie aber erst als relativ wertlos und wurden nicht zur Zucht zugelassen. Ab Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde gezielt selektiert nach Farbe; eingekreuz ... Mehr zur Pferderasse Tinker
4 Jahre
152 cm
Western allround
Ausbildungsstand: 4th Level ~ S*
Platzierung: 4th Level ~ S*
The American Hanoverian Society


  • Deutsch
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  • Spanisch
  • Französisch
  • Englisch
stunning!! so sweet, quiet, well trained and broke! He is excellent on the trails, in the arena, and in town! He is easy going and happy to try whatever you feel like that day! English, western, dressage, trails, obstacles....he’s fun!! The Gypsy Vanner is a wonderful family horse and is popular as a trail or therapy horse due to its unflappable nature. Lexi is considered a "Grand Gypsy" since he is over 15.1. It is rare to find a Gypsy over 15 hands!! Lexi was originally imported from the United Kingdom. he is one of the only and last known daughters of Clononeen Dunbrody of Roscreigh. Lexi has been used as a personal pleasure horse, a lesson horse, trail horse and broodmare. Who wouldn’t want to have another little Lexi up and coming!?! he loves to be around people and has a personality you just can’t help but fall in love with. he has a lovely walk, trot, canter and would be a fun low-level dressage horse! he actually likes to Canter, also very rare in a Gypsy! he is really quiet, but isn’t lazy! A dressage riders dream! Lexi will leg yield, backs up and stands well! he is gentle with absolutely no vices. he loads easily, gets along well with other horses and great for the farrier.contact‬ for more details.


Texas City 77590

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