9 mal gemerkt
5.500 $
~ 4.989 CHF
Inserats-ID: 4088845
Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Einstelldatum: 09.06.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 4835
ist als Schulpferd/-pony geeignet
ist für Anfänger geeignet
ist angeritten
ist longiert
ist am Boden gearbeitet
ist geländesicher
ist Allrounder
ist verladefromm
ist Viergänger
AKU vorhanden
- Deutsch
- Italienisch
- Polnisch
- Niederländisch
- Spanisch
- Französisch
- Englisch
WWW.CLASSICHORSEAUCTION.COM THIS HOSE IS LOCATED SALTLICK, KY STARTING BID IS $5500 To view health docs, see consignor’s info, how to schedule a meeting to try it out, visit our site… https://classichorseauction.com/auctions/rooster/ VIDEO>>> https://youtu.be/MhPw3aeGR1Y Rooster is a stunning 5 yr old steel grey gelding that stands 15.2 hands tall. He is the ultimate trail horse! Rooster is a barn favorite and always the horse everyone wants to ride. He has an endless amount of trail miles and knows his job. He is a sure-footed gelding and there is no terrain too rough for him. Rooster is the closest thing to perfect we have ever had the opportunity to own. Rooster’s life has mostly been spent with an elderly gentleman who raised him and trained him. They covered many many miles together through several state parks and through the deepest hollows in eastern Kentucky. He is careful and confident on the trail and always takes care of his rider. He is very patient and always aims to please with whatever you throw at him. Besides being the perfect trail horse, Rooster has a tremendous gait that you can enjoy all day long. He is steady, consistent and super smooth! He will gladly walk on a loose rein, step right up into his gait on your command or pick him up right into a canter. He is push button control, his one-hand neck rein makes him a joy to glide through the trails. I could talk about this horse all day but watch the full video or come see him in person and he will speak for himself! SALTLICK, KY EMILY 615-542-4564 Nationwide Shipping Assistance Available Classic Horse Auction 931-224-2968

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