3 mal gemerkt
Gaited Trail Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Preis auf Anfrage
Inserats-ID: 4335934
Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Einstelldatum: 16.01.2025
Inseratsaufrufe: 1363
ist angeritten
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ist Viergänger
AKU vorhanden
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- Englisch
OPEN BIDDING ON THEHORSEBAY,COM. SALE ENDS ON 01/29. More information is available on the website, including an UTD vet inspection, Coggins, video, images, and the owner's contact information to ask questions, request information, or make arrangements to come to visit. Belle stands around 14.3h, she is well built, and she is a beautiful black tobiano mare. Belle has been ridden throughout Big South Fork in TN, and she knows all about those rough, rocky trails and knows how to handle herself. She will go up or down even steep slopes, across deep creeks, over downed trees, and over all types of rough terrain while still being sure footed. She has been ridden in traffic, and is very traffic safe around cars, semi, log, and dump trucks. If you need a smooth ride that won’t hurt your back??? Then look no further! Not only does she have the looks, but she also has all the right moves! Belle has that smooth true 4-gait that is comfortable for hours in the saddle and your back and your bottom will thank you! She does great out in the pasture with our mixed herd. She has a great attitude about whatever she is asked to do.

Homepage: thehorsebay
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