3 mal gemerkt
Snackbox 6 Yr old 13.2hh Palomino Paint Quarter Pony Gelding
Gebot auf Auktion
Inserats-ID: 4298747
Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Einstelldatum: 09.12.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 2143
ist Beistellpferd
ist als Schulpferd/-pony geeignet
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ist Allrounder
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♦️ IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS ♦️ Happening now thru TUESDAY | DECEMBER 10th - Available EXCLUSIVELY on PonyBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Ponybid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: JP Performance Horses 817-901-6596 LOCATION: Weatherford, Texas BREED: Quarter Pony REGISTERED: No COLOR: Palomino Paint HEIGHT: 13.2 AGE: 6 GENDER: Gelding Snackbox is one of those ponies that kids dream of having in the house! He has the sweetest personality and loves attention, especially snacks of any kind. He would sit and play with the kids in the sandbox if they let him! Snackbox grew up with the Amish kids where they rode him all over the farm as well as to town! He will go anywhere you point him in any kind of terrain. Standing at 13.2 hands tall, he will last the little ones along time. He reins and stops very easy. Ride him in a halter bareback or saddle up and go have fun! He’s done the Playday events, been around cows, rode in parades and been down many trails. He will ride out alone or in a group. Snackbox is the first one to meet you at the gate ready to give love and kisses! He truly is the sweetest pony. He has great feet, current on coggins and had his teeth floated end of November. If you are wanting a beautiful pony that all the kids can enjoy, Snackbox will be a dream come true pony. He will certainly look amazing with a big red bow around his neck under the Christmas Tree! He is the tyoe you can bring in the house and he will help you open presents!! I can’t wait to see the blessed little one that gets to have him on Christmas morning! Feel free to contact Jackie at 817-901-6596 with JP Performance Horses to schedule a time to see him in person or ask for more information. Shipping can be arranged anywhere in the US.

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