Oldenburger Springpferd Stute  in Töplitz

6 mal gemerkt

Stutfohlen der Masterclass - Zinedream x Hickstead White

10.000 € bis 15.000 €
~9.661 CHF bis 14.491 CHF
92256 Hahnbach
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Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. (OL)


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Zinderella Oldenburger Stutfohlen geboren am 09.04.2024. Ihr Name ist so märchenhaft wie ihre Abstammung.
 Zinderella stammt von Zindedream x Hickstead White. 

Zindedream beweist sich mit seinem Reiter David Will auf internationalen Springtunieren. Seine erstes 160cm Springen konnte er siegreich vor Hendrik Eckermann mit King Edward und Rolf-Göran Bengtsson mit Zuccero in Abu Dhabi für sich entscheiden. Einige Wochen später bestätigte er sein Können in Riesenbeck wo er erneut 1.plaziert 160cm gewann.
Zindedream stammt von Zinedine, eines der Pferde von Ludger Beerbaum. Seine Mutter Panam Air hat noch einen weiteren Hengst Quiwi Dream auf die Welt gebracht, welcher erfolgreich mit Hansi Dreher bis 160cm startete. 
Zinedream selbst hat bis jetzt mit nur 10 Jahren 12 gekörte Hengste vorgebracht und einige Nachkommen werden schon 140cm vorgestellt.

Zinderellas Mutterseite ist nicht weniger interessant. Hickstead White der 12 Jährige Hengst ist unterm Sattel von Jörne Sprehe. Sie konnte ihn schon international bis 160cm erfolgreich vorstellen. Diese Jahr waren 3 schnelle Null Fehler Runden in Aachen deren Highlight. Nach Jörnes Aussage ist das aber erst der Anfang von diesem potenzialreichen Pferd. Als Deckhengst steht Hickstead White hoch im Kurs. Er kann aktuell auf 35 gekörte Hengste verweisen. Hickstead White ist der einzige gekörte Nachkommen von Hickstead, der Einzel Olympiasieger von Hongkong 2008 unter Eric Lemaz und immernoch mit 4 Mio Preisgelder die er zu Lebzeiten gewann, einer der erfolgreichsten Springpferde der Welt ist. Hickstead White s Mutter Queentina, ist selbst bis 160cm international siegreich von Tobias Meyer geritten worden.  Sie selbst stammt von Coup de Coeur der neben Queentina noch 223 S 160 cm plazierte Pferde als Nachkommen hat und 31 Deckhengste
In der Mutterlinie weiterführend von Zindereall entspringt sie aus Balout de Rouet X Kolibri. 

English Version:
Zinderella Oldenburg filly born on April 9th, 2024. Her name is as magical as her pedigreee. Zinderella comes from Zindedream x Hickstead White. Zindedream proves himself with his rider David Will at international show jumping competitions. He won his first 160cm show jumping competition ahead of Hendrik Eckermann with King Edward and Rolf-Göran Bengtsson with Zuccero in Abu Dhabi. A few weeks later he confirmed his ability in Riesenbeck where he again won 1st place in the 160cm.

Zindedream comes from Zinedine, one of Ludger Beerbaum's horses. His mother Panam Air gave birth to another stallion, Quiwi Dream, who successfully competed with Hansi Dreher up to 160cm.

Zinedream himself has produced 12 licensed stallions so far at just 10 years of age and some offspring are already being presented at 140cm.
Zinderella's dam's side is no less interesting. Hickstead White, the 12-year-old stallion, is ridden by Jörne Sprehe. She has already successfully presented him internationally up to 160cm. This year's highlight was three fast, clear rounds in Aachen. According to Jörne, this is just the beginning of this horse with great potential. Hickstead White is highly regarded as a stud. He currently has 35 licensed stallions. 

Hickstead White is the only licensed offspring of Hickstead, the individual Olympic champion in Hong Kong in 2008 under Eric Lemaz and still one of the most successful show jumpers in the world with 4 million in prize money won during his lifetime. Hickstead White's mother, Queentina, has herself been ridden internationally up to 160cm and has been victoriously ridden by Tobias Meyer. She herself comes from Coup de Coeur, who, in addition to Queentina, has 223 S 160 cm placed horses as offspring and 31 stallions.

In the mother line, continuing from Zinderella, she comes from Balout de Rouet X Kolibri.
Dieser Text wurde automatisch übersetzt.
Zinderella Oldenburg filly born on 09.04.2024. Her name is as fairytale-like as her pedigree.
 Zinderella is by Zindedream x Hickstead White.

Zindedream is proving himself at international show jumping competitions with his rider David Will. He won his first 160cm jumping competition in Abu Dhabi ahead of Hendrik Eckermann with King Edward and Rolf-Göran Bengtsson with Zuccero. A few weeks later he confirmed his ability in Riesenbeck where he again won the first placed 160cm class.
Zindedream is by Zinedine, one of Ludger Beerbaum's horses. His dam Panam Air gave birth to another stallion, Quiwi Dream, who competed successfully up to 160cm with Hansi Dreher.
Zinedream himself has produced 12 licensed stallions at the age of just 10 and some of his offspring are already being shown at 140cm.

Zinderella's dam's side is no less interesting. Hickstead White, the 12-year-old stallion, is ridden by Jörne Sprehe. She has already successfully shown him internationally up to 160cm. Their highlight this year were 3 fast clear rounds in Aachen. According to Jörne, however, this is just the beginning for this horse with so much potential. Hickstead White is very popular as a stallion. He can currently point to 35 licensed stallions. Hickstead White is the only licensed offspring of Hickstead, the individual Olympic champion in Hong Kong in 2008 under Eric Lemaz and still one of the most successful show jumpers in the world with 4 million in prize money won in his lifetime. Hickstead White's dam, Queentina, has herself been ridden to 160cm internationally by Tobias Meyer.  She herself is by Coup de Coeur who, in addition to Queentina, has 223 S 160 cm placed horses as offspring and 31 stallions at stud
Continuing in the dam line by Zindereall, she is out of Balout de Rouet X Kolibri.

English Version:
Zinderella Oldenburg filly born on April 9th, 2024. Her name is as magical as her pedigreee. Zinderella comes from Zindedream x Hickstead White. Zindedream proves himself with his rider David Will at international show jumping competitions. He won his first 160cm show jumping competition ahead of Hendrik Eckermann with King Edward and Rolf-Göran Bengtsson with Zuccero in Abu Dhabi. A few weeks later he confirmed his ability in Riesenbeck where he again won 1st place in the 160cm.

Zindedream comes from Zinedine, one of Ludger Beerbaum's horses. His mother Panam Air gave birth to another stallion, Quiwi Dream, who successfully competed with Hansi Dreher up to 160cm.

Zinedream himself has produced 12 licensed stallions so far at just 10 years of age and some offspring are already being presented at 140cm.
Zinderella's dam's side is no less interesting. Hickstead White, the 12-year-old stallion, is ridden by Jörne Sprehe. She has already successfully presented him internationally up to 160cm. This year's highlight was three fast, clear rounds in Aachen. According to Jörne, this is just the beginning of this horse with great potential. Hickstead White is highly regarded as a stud. He currently has 35 licensed stallions.

Hickstead White is the only licensed offspring of Hickstead, the individual Olympic champion in Hong Kong in 2008 under Eric Lemaz and still one of the most successful show jumpers in the world with 4 million in prize money won during his lifetime. Hickstead White's mother, Queentina, has herself been ridden internationally up to 160cm and has been victoriously ridden by Tobias Meyer. She herself comes from Coup de Coeur, who, in addition to Queentina, has 223 S 160 cm placed horses as offspring and 31 stallions.

In the dam line, continuing from Zinderella, she comes from Balout de Rouet X Kolibri.
Dieser Text wurde automatisch übersetzt.
Zinderella, puledra Oldenburg nata il 09.04.2024, ha un nome fiabesco come il suo pedigree.
 Zinderella è nata da Zindedream x Hickstead White.

Zindedream sta dando prova di sé nelle competizioni internazionali di salto a ostacoli con il suo cavaliere David Will. Ha vinto il suo primo concorso di salto a 160 cm ad Abu Dhabi davanti a Hendrik Eckermann con King Edward e Rolf-Göran Bengtsson con Zuccero. Poche settimane dopo ha confermato la sua abilità a Riesenbeck, dove ha conquistato nuovamente il primo posto nella classe 160 cm.
Zindedream è figlio di Zinedine, uno dei cavalli di Ludger Beerbaum. La sua madre Panam Air ha dato vita a un altro stallone, Quiwi Dream, che ha gareggiato con successo fino a 160 cm con Hansi Dreher.
Zinedream stesso ha prodotto 12 stalloni autorizzati all'età di soli 10 anni e alcuni dei suoi discendenti vengono già esibiti a 140 cm.

Il lato della madre di Zinderella non è meno interessante. Hickstead White, stallone di 12 anni, è montato da Jörne Sprehe. L'atleta ha già dimostrato con successo il suo valore a livello internazionale fino a 160 cm. L'apice di quest'anno sono stati i 3 veloci round in chiaro ad Aquisgrana. Secondo Jörne, tuttavia, questo è solo l'inizio per questo cavallo dal grande potenziale. Hickstead White è molto popolare come stallone. Attualmente può vantare 35 stalloni autorizzati. Hickstead White è l'unico figlio autorizzato di Hickstead, campione olimpico individuale a Hong Kong nel 2008 sotto la guida di Eric Lemaz e tuttora uno dei saltatori ad ostacoli di maggior successo al mondo con 4 milioni di premi vinti nella sua vita. La madre di Hickstead White, Queentina, è stata a sua volta montata a 160 cm da Tobias Meyer.  Lei stessa è figlia di Coup de Coeur che, oltre a Queentina, ha 223 cavalli da 160 cm come figli e 31 stalloni da monta.
Proseguendo nella linea delle madri di Zindereall, è uscita da Balout de Rouet X Kolibri.

Versione inglese:
Zinderella puledra Oldenburg nata il 9 aprile 2024. Il suo nome è magico come il suo pedigreee. Zinderella deriva da Zindedream x Hickstead White. Zindedream ha dato prova di sé con il suo cavaliere David Will in concorsi internazionali di salto ad ostacoli. Ha vinto il suo primo concorso di salto a ostacoli di 160 cm davanti a Hendrik Eckermann con King Edward e Rolf-Göran Bengtsson con Zuccero ad Abu Dhabi. Poche settimane dopo ha confermato la sua abilità a Riesenbeck, dove ha conquistato nuovamente il 1° posto nella 160 cm.

Zindedream deriva da Zinedine, uno dei cavalli di Ludger Beerbaum. Sua madre Panam Air ha dato vita a un altro stallone, Quiwi Dream, che ha gareggiato con successo con Hansi Dreher fino a 160 cm.

Zinedream stesso ha prodotto finora 12 stalloni autorizzati a soli 10 anni e alcuni figli sono già stati presentati a 140 cm.
Il lato della madre di Zinderella non è meno interessante. Hickstead White, lo stallone di 12 anni, è montato da Jörne Sprehe. Ha già presentato con successo il cavallo a livello internazionale fino a 160 cm. L'apice di quest'anno sono stati tre giri veloci e netti ad Aquisgrana. Secondo Jörne, questo è solo l'inizio per questo cavallo dal grande potenziale. Hickstead White è molto apprezzato come stallone. Attualmente ha 35 stalloni autorizzati.

Hickstead White è l'unico figlio autorizzato di Hickstead, campione olimpico individuale a Hong Kong nel 2008 sotto la guida di Eric Lemaz e tuttora uno dei saltatori ad ostacoli di maggior successo al mondo con 4 milioni di premi vinti in vita. La madre di Hickstead White, Queentina, è stata cavalcata a livello internazionale fino a 160 cm ed è stata vittoriosamente montata da Tobias Meyer. Lei stessa proviene da Coup de Coeur, che, oltre a Queentina, ha 223 cavalli di 160 cm piazzati come figli e 31 stalloni.

Nella linea materna, continuando da Zinderella, proviene da Balout de Rouet X Kolibri.


Hickstead Engel


92256 Hahnbach

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