Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo
Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo
Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo
Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo
Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo
Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo
Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo
Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo
Lusitanos Hengst 7 Jahre 164 cm Schimmel in Pinhal Novo



3 mal gemerkt

Working Equitation Master

40.000 € bis 70.000 €
~38.643 CHF bis 67.626 CHF
Jasmin Pohl
21442 Toppenstedt Deutschland
+49 (0)17... anzeigen



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Weitere Informationen

Der Lusitano ist eine Pferderasse aus Portugal, die stark im Barocktyp steht. Der Ursprung des Lusitanos lässt sich heute nicht mehr zurückverfolgen. Möglicherweise stammen sie von Andalusiern ab, die mit etwas Araberblut veredelt wurden. Lusitanos werden in Portugal oft als Stierkampfpferde verwend ... Mehr zur Pferderasse Lusitanos
7 Jahre
164 cm
Working Equitation
Equitation Portugesa
Associacao Portuguesa De Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano (APSL)


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ocket  Alarm ‼️ 

You want an advanced Working Equitation stallion with unlimited power and energy? A horse where you push the button for full speed and insane strength but calms down in moments?

Then say hello to Odin. In the norse mythology it’s the all father and god of natural forces. And that’s he is. Standing massive like a rock with 164cm and so gentle and friendly. 
He is super brave and not afraid of anything. Always in working mode and never becoming tired. 
He is competing professionally in Working Equitation on medium level. He does everything one handed but also with two hands. 
Odin is piro free and has xrays available. And he is approved for breeding. 

If you want a date with Odin let me know. 
He is located in Portugal  

More informations over PM or WhatsApp +491786997334.
Jasmin from Top Lusitanos
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ocket Alarm ‼️

You want an advanced Working Equitation stallion with unlimited power and energy? A horse where you push the button for full speed and insane strength but calms down in moments?

Then say hello to Odin. In the Norse mythology it's the all father and god of natural forces. And that's he is. Standing massive like a rock with 164cm and so gentle and friendly.
He is super brave and not afraid of anything. Always in working mode and never becoming tired.
He is competing professionally in Working Equitation on medium level. He does everything one handed but also with two hands.
Odin is piro free and has xrays available. And he is approved for breeding.

If you want a date with Odin let me know.
He is located in Portugal

More informations over PM or WhatsApp +491786997334.
Jasmin from Top Lusitanos


Jasmin Pohl
21442 Toppenstedt

Weitere Informationen

Top-Lusitanos is a big network in Spain and Portugal (Brazil) to find the best iberian horses for our clients. We are a team of passionate horse people, riders and breeders. We have over 100 PRE and Lusitanos in our sales program. From the just born foal until the fully trained GP horse. 
We are selling horses all over the world. We have clients in US, Mexico, Canada, UK and Europe, Asia (Singapur and Thailand), Australia and New Zealand. We organise everything and giving our clients full service.

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Jasmin Pohl
21442 Toppenstedt

