4 mal gemerkt
FRANK 12 Yr old 16hh Red Roan Draft Cross Gelding
Gebot auf Auktion
Inserats-ID: 4315036
Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Einstelldatum: 30.12.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 2165
ist Beistellpferd
ist als Schulpferd/-pony geeignet
ist geländesicher
ist Allrounder
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⚜️ Heritage Winter Classic ⚜️ Happening now thru MONDAY | DECEMBER 30TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Jamie Thomason 270-772-1706 LOCATION: Auburn, KY BREED: Draft Cross REGISTERED: No COLOR: Red Roan HEIGHT: 16 hands AGE: 12 GENDER: Gelding A reliable trail mount & a slow and steady for the kids! Frank is a 12 yr old, 16 hand, Red Roan, Draft Cross Gelding. A great starter horse that is family/youth suitable! At 12 yrs old, Frank is in his prime! He has seen all the sites….around the farm, in town, in the arena, and on the obstacle course. Zero spook! Frank carries the flag, is unbothered by waving tarps, confidently navigates our small obstacle course including a see saw bridge, pool noodles, and tires. Frank is often a favorite of the neighbor kids. He carries them one by one or all of them haha. He rides double, triple….whatever shenanigans they can come up with! Confident children as young as four years of age have ridden him independently outside, down the road, across the field, & in the arena over the obstacles. He is tolerant of mixed signals from inexperienced riders. He is patient and waits until they get it right. On the trail, Frank is a pleasure. A more whoa than go style, he confidently rides out alone for those wanting to explore by themselves, yet he also does fantastic in a group. He’s patient and has no preference where he is in the line. Frank crosses water, downfall, and navigates rough terrain with ease. At home, Frank is the kind you pull out to put your friends on who just want to ride a horse. He enjoys the attention and doesn’t mind to give someone an afternoon stroll. He’s super easy to have around. Can be stalled or turns out in a mixed herd. Easily maintained on an all forage diet. Easy to catch, easy to load, unload, & haul. Stands for tacking up, mounting and dismounting. He has amazing ground manors! My 22 month old son is able to lead him in and out of the stall, I trust him that much! Frank sells with current coggins, proof of vaccination and all documentation required for transport. We work with a reputable shipping company and can assist in arranging transportation to anywhere! If you have any other questions or would like to meet FRANK feel free to reach out, we’d be glad to have you!

Homepage: horsebidllc
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