3 mal gemerkt
OLAF 13 Yr old 15hh Grey Quarter Horse Gelding
Gebot auf Auktion
Inserats-ID: 4365242
Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Einstelldatum: 23.02.2025
Inseratsaufrufe: 812
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♦️ THE DIAMOND SHOWCASE ♦️ Happening now thru MONDAY | FEBRUARY 24TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Nadya Crain 951-531-4346 LOCATION: Camp verde az BREED: Quarter Horse REGISTERED: No COLOR: Grey HEIGHT: 15 AGE: 13 GENDER: Gelding If you’re looking for a true, solid, kids horse Olaf is your guy! Olaf has been a kids horse majority of his life, he is as gentle as one comes, he has extensive trail miles and is great with heavy, busy street traffic. He has no spook to barking dogs, trash trucks, or motorcycles.. Olaf has been in parades and used as a rodeo queen flag horse, he is good with the big rodeo crowds, and the chaos that goes on in the back! Olaf is super level headed and loves all the attention. Olaf rides phenomenal in the arena, he catches both leads, is one hand broke and has done a few Rodeo Queen Pageants, in Pageants Olaf had to do a Reiner pattern, a Queen wave, Free style pattern and a Halter class, and all of these events he had scored great in. Olaf has had all level of riders on him whether they were 5 years old of age or 55 in age! Olaf goes with the flow and will do what his rider asks of him! He has absolutely zero spook, no rear, buck or bolt. We have taken Olaf cow sorting, to play days and he will go the speed his rider wants. Not only is Olaf the perfect all around kids horse but if your wanting to go ride out on the ranch and gather some cattle Olaf is the one to take, he has plenty of miles out on the ranch and will maneuver through thick, heavy brush and rocks, he is sure footed and never misses a beat. Olaf is one of a kind, you don’t find a solid one like him often, he gets along in a herd aspect or stalls well, he is easy to catch. Olaf loves to be groomed and pampered, he is a in your pocket horse, great for the farrier and will stand tied quietly.

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