American Quarter Horse Wallach 12 Jahre 163 cm Dunkelfuchs in Weatherford Tx

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3.500 $
~ 3.175 CHF
Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299 USA



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Das American Quarter Horse, auch Quarter Horse genannt, stammt ursprünglich aus den USA und ist die meist verbreitete Pferderasse der Welt. Es gibt weltweit ungefähr 4,6 Millionen registrierte Quarter Horses. Die Rasse entstand im 17. Jahrhundert, als reiche Plantagenbesitzer aus Virginia und Caroli ... Mehr zur Pferderasse American Quarter Horse
12 Jahre
163 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse


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Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends March 30th, 2025
Need a new saddle? Check out White Rock Saddles on our website or Facebook!
A Hip Hop Music aka Boogie is a 16H chestnut/roan 2013’ AQHA gelding. We love this horse! He has so much heart and try and absolutely has one of the coolest personalities! Boogie is gentle and easy! He was started on the track and then went on to be a barrel horse. A couple years ago he was a consistent 1D horse down in southern Texas. We have had him since September and have been hauling to expos. He’s not a barrel hitter and is super smooth and easy! Boogie has been clocking anywhere from the 3/4D in his expos with no speed asked of him. We simply don’t have the time and have too many to keep him, this is the only reason he’s available! He’s fun and easy all the way around! He’d make anyone a good trail horse too! Boogie is not spooky and has zero buck, bolt or rear! He is easy to handle in all aspects and even though he’s a tall drink of water, he’s a gentle giant! He loads, leads, bathes and ties great and is good with all new sights and scenes! He’d make a great playday prospect for a teen wanting something with some speed if asked for too! Boogie is gentle and easy enough to make a lesson horse too! He is very lightly broke and will ride around soft in just a snaffle. He neck reins great, moves off leg and stops great! He will go any direction nicely! Boogie will melt right in and win your heart with his affectionate personality and he’s sure to charm you with his “easy in all aspects” nature. He will require maintenance to compete competitively and is CURRENT on all of it as of late February, 2025. He is also current on coggins, dental work and has a fresh set of shoes! More pics and videos on his website page at northtexashorsecompany.com/boogie. Please call Blair with North Texas Horse Company for more info at 817-757-3046. We are located in Weatherford, TX and can help arrange affordable shipping to anyone!!
Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends March 30th, 2025
Need a new saddle? Check out White Rock Saddles on our website or Facebook!


Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299

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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299

